The American College of Consumer Financial Services Lawyers

Advocates for Consumer Financial Services Law

Our members include academics, present and former federal and state regulatory and enforcement officers, authors in the field, private practitioners, counsel for financial institutions and other service providers, and representatives of consumer protection organizations. Our members nominate attorneys who have made significant contributions to the field of consumer financial services law for admission to the College.

The American College of Consumer Financial Services Lawyers was established to:

Promote public understanding of consumer financial services law through education.

Advance the quality of consumer financial services law and its practice.

Enhance the professional development of its members.

Accord recognition to contributors to the field.

We Advance & Promote...

To encourage continuing contributions to the field of U.S. consumer financial services law, the ACCFSL sponsors an annual Writing Competition. Learn more about how we support this vitally important field. 

We Educate & Nurture...

To support the growth and development of the next generation of practicing attorneys in our field, the ACCFSL sponsors an annual Student Writing Competition. Learn how we encourage contributions from our future members.

We Acknowledge & Celebrate...

We are serious professionals, but we know how to have fun! Learn about our meetings.

Member Directory

Click here to see our Members and current contact information.

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