Kathleen C. Engel

Suffolk University Law School

Kathleen Engel is a national authority on mortgage and auto financing and regulation, subprime and predatory lending, consumer credit, and housing and credit discrimination. Her many publications include a 2011 book published by Oxford University Press, The Subprime Virus: Reckless Credit, Regulatory Failure and Next Steps (with Prof. Pat McCoy) and articles in Harvard Business Law Review, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Harvard Journal of Legislation, Texas Law Review, Washington University Law Quarterly, Fordham Law Review, The Journal of Economics and Business, and Housing Policy Debate.

Professor Engel presents her award-winning research in academic, banking, and policy forums throughout the country and around the world. She has advised numerous federal and state agencies on various matters related to the financing of loans. Among her various public service activities, she has been or currently is on the boards of directors of Consumer Reports, the International Association of Consumer Law, and the National Association of Consumer Advocates. She previously served on the Consumer Advisory Board of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Federal Reserve Board of Governors' Consumer Advisory Council. Most recently, she was appointed a Fellow of the ABA Business Law, Consumer Financial Services Committee.


Contact Info:

Suffolk University Law School

120 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02108

