Annual Writing Competition



Each year The American College of Consumer Financial Services Lawyers seeks to recognize written contributions to the field of U.S. consumer financial services law. Eligible papers include publishable articles, substantial book reviews, or book chapters; books; and student case note or comment. Official publications of or by government agencies are not eligible. In any year, depending on the quality of the submissions, awards may be made in all, some, or none of these three categories.

The awards include a cash payment ($5,000 for books, $3,500 for articles, reviews, or book chapters; and $1,500 for student work), a certificate or other token of recognition, and (if applicable) travel expenses to attend the College’s annual dinner (if held, typically in conjunction with the Spring Meeting of the Business Law Section of the American Bar Association).

Guidelines For 2026

Eligible entries must discuss some aspect of U.S. consumer financial services law. Topics that relate principally to securities regulation, bankruptcy, insurance, or the safety and soundness aspects of banking regulation are not eligible, but works on subjects within these (or other) areas will be considered if they bear directly on U.S. consumer financial services law.

The deadline for entry is November 1, 2025

Entries are eligible if they have been written or published within the twelve months preceding that date. Eligible entries may be submitted by authors directly or by third parties on behalf of authors. (If submitted by a third party on behalf of an author, the submitter must obtain author consent and provide author contact information.) Unpublished manuscripts should be double-spaced and conform to law review standards. All entries should be submitted in electronic format.

Entries for the 2026 competition should be submitted via email to:

Nessa E. Feddis, Esquire

Lynette I. Hotchkiss, Esquire

Writing Competition Co-Chairs

2025 Winners

Professional Category

Adam J. Levitin

Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Law and Finance
Georgetown Law

Student Category

Sahil Soni

J.D. Candidate 2024
Columbia Law School